What is being said....

"I need dessert for my blood sugar."

Mallory, 7 yrs.

Friday, February 20, 2009

When calling your children...

Sometimes in our house, it is necessary for me to call for one of the children from a different part of the house than they are in. When I call for Bergen, the response I usually get is, "Just one minute." That of course, usually means more like 5 minutes, until I have to call him again. When I call for Mallory, I hear in a very sweet, girl voice, "Coming, Mom!", as she does a ballerina spin into the room I am in. When I call for Melissa, she stands there staring at me, trying to decide if she's going to come to me or not & more than not, she decides to make it a game & run the other way instead. It's cute, the first time......

Then, there is Hatcher. If I need Hatcher, I don't waste my voice. All I have to do is turn on the vacuum cleaner. When that on-button is pushed & that low hum of the vacuum fills the air, Hatcher comes running! He runs in & will invariably ask, "Can I vacuum, Mom?!?! Please?!" When he is looking for something to do, he will ask if he can vacuum. When I can tell he needs something to keep him busy (& out from under my feet), I suggest the vacuum. When he visits his grandma's house, he spends time with her vacuum! And, he is GOOD at it! He not only vacuums the main areas, he uses the attachments & does all the corners & baseboards! May I remind you that he is only four years old!!!

So, a couple weekends back, I decided it was time to clean out & reorganize our food pantry. This is what it looked like while getting all the little crumbs out.........he just cracks me up. I guess we know what to get him as a wedding present someday.....

1 comment:

Renee said...

It would be sure-bliss at my house for Hatcher. I vacuum *at least* twice a day. I just can't stand a floor that is crumby, messy, etc. I think you got my child!!!! Send him over if he "needs" to get some vacuuming out of his system. I would appreciate it greatly.
