What is being said....

"I need dessert for my blood sugar."

Mallory, 7 yrs.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


There are some words that I hear a lot lately...& they are a paradox. Their meaning is not a paradox......the feelings these words invoke in me are the paradox. How can a phrase at times be so stinkin' frustrating & yet at other times, be so endearing they bring tears to this mom's eyes??? I don't get it.....but then, yet I do....because it all centers around a two year old & they are as unpredictable as Colorado weather.

"Want to hold you," MJ says. She says it when she is tired, hurt or scared.....or just being needy. I hear these words & usually my hands are in the middle of something else. So...I have to take a deep breath & remember the important part of my job as a stay-at-home-mom is not just trying to "do stuff" around the house, but to be there for my kids when they need me. That is TOUGH!!! My "young, romantic ideas" on being a "homemaker" were filled with pictures of me doing laundry, making lunches, conducting school.......sure, kissing boo-boos & all that....but I don't think I pictured me dropping everything to hold a child who obviously had nothing wrong with them at the most frustrating moments. But then, my picture didn't include MelissaJack!!


...& here she is, wearing the "Big Smith" overalls that were given to me when I was little...how can you refuse her?? "Want to hold you, Mom."

Friday, March 12, 2010


So, do you remember this from the movie, "Willy Wonka??"

[On a bicycle in the Inventing Room]
WONKA (singing):

"In springtime, the only pretty ring time
Birds sing, hey ding
A-ding, a-ding
Sweet lovers love the spring--"

Did you actually know it is from Shakespeare?? I found out a bunch of interesting info from "Willy Wonka" the FIRST & BEST of the movies at http://home.att.net/~tom.brodhead/wonka Go check it out if you feel so inclined.

Ok, now to the point....Spring has been playing peek-a-boo with Colorado....it's driving me crazy!! Just come already!!! NO MORE SNOW! & when Spring comes, I find myself singing the Wonka song from above....

We have had some teases here & there from Spring & one was last week. Bergen was on a field trip, so the other three Jacobsen kids & I met my mom at the park. It was really nice until we tried to leave....that is another story (don't ask me to tell you it around DJ!). So, I'm just sharing some glimpses of one of our sneak peeks of Spring...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Pray if you are a Two Year Old Girl...

If you are a very cute, two year old girl, & you must pray to thank Jesus for your food...

...it is a MUST to be dressed properly & be in correct form....

Multicolored fingernail polish & folded hands are required!

Then simply say, "Shank you, Jesus. 'men."



If you are in the Greeley area & you have not checked out Zoe's in downtown Greeley, you are missing out!! Zoe's is a coffee shop with good coffee & great atmosphere. There are concerts offered & church services as well. But you don't have to attend our church to go there!! It's a great place to hang out, work on the laptop, crochet & knit, play games.....whatever floats your boat.

We have been there the past two Friday nights for some GREAT music!!! Good friends & good times were had by all.....even Melissa!!!

MJ leaping from the steps at Zoe's....

Melissa & Ayda hanging out....these two are 3 days apart!

A hug for the road...

& finally on our way home...

My love affair with my camera....

Can I just say how thankful I am that we have digital photography?? Can you imagine paying for all the film processing a photo-junky like me would need just to figure this stuff out??? No thank you!

After much book reading on digital photography (you MUST check out "The Digital Photography Book" by Scott Kelby), I have been practicing. Lots of blurred pictures.....time with a tripod & messing with my ISO & white balance settings......& trying to just get a feel for the type of photos I am looking for....well, it's been fun. Here are some of my practice shots of late......obviously mostly of the kids............

If anyone has any other pointers or good resources, please send them my way!!!




I love the curl hanging down....


Same picture as above but with a blue tint....




My Mommy-Heart...

Everyone knows that siblings fight.....right? I mean, please tell me your kids fight with each other!!! Don't tell me I'm the only one!!!

A few weeks ago, I had a mommy-moment that gave me hope & warmed my cockles. (yes, I did just put that out there....ha ha.)

We were leaving church & crossing a street. I was grabbing Melissa's hand....she is Miss Independent, you know. & I told Hatch to stay close to me....then Bergen jumps over & says, "Here Hatch.", giving him his hand. He guided him across the street & I pretended not to see so I wouldn't break the spell.

My cockles were thoroughly warmed.....

Ohmi's Birthday...

So, since my parents have moved to Greeley, the tradition has been when either of them has a birthday, they take us out to Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, THEY, the ones with the birthday, take US out. I know....it's a bit mixed up. How grand to be grandparents!!

This year, Ohmi had her birthday & Melissa talked all day about going to Chuck E. Cheese. She was SO excited! & then she got there. Apparently a giant mouse freaks her out.....go figure. So, for the first part of the evening while the other kids were using their gazillion tokens (courtesy of the birthday girl's husband), MelissaJack sat. She would not budge. After some convincing & lots of eye-hiding (because you know, if she can't see you, you must not be there), she loosened up & had lots of fun!!! That is until Bergen demonstrated one of his prizes...a giant cockroach that moves down the wall......man, did Melissa freak over that one too!!!

All in all, it was fun for everyone....
