What is being said....

"I need dessert for my blood sugar."

Mallory, 7 yrs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Silliness is good for the soul...

On many occasions, when people have learned that I have four kids & that I choose to homeschool them, the question coming is usually, "how do you do it all?" Well, I don't.

But we all have our moments, our days, our weeks.....those times when you wonder why in the world you are doing what you are doing & you think you may go crazy while trying to accomplish what some may see as the mundane.

In those times, what do I do? Do I scream? Drink heavily? Eat chocolate? (I should pray, shouldn't I?) In those moments with my kids, I try to catch them off guard with silliness....Hatcher even told me earlier today, "You are more silly than Dad, Mom!" For those of you that know DJ, & on the converse, know me, know without a doubt that could NEVER be true!

Last week we had some of those above-mentioned "moments" that make me want to cry......but instead of crying, this is what I did:

I drew on my kids' stomachs....& the giggles that came out of that lifted my 'moment' & I was able to smile again.....


Wayne McCoy said...

That's pretty silly, but I've seen much worse ways of coping. Sound like you are living in the moment. Enjoy those moments, they go by fast.

SunshineBarlowe.com said...

Well that's one way to turn your day around :0 ) ha ha.
I've enjoyed reading..
miss ya girl.
