What is being said....

"I need dessert for my blood sugar."

Mallory, 7 yrs.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My love affair with my camera....

Can I just say how thankful I am that we have digital photography?? Can you imagine paying for all the film processing a photo-junky like me would need just to figure this stuff out??? No thank you!

After much book reading on digital photography (you MUST check out "The Digital Photography Book" by Scott Kelby), I have been practicing. Lots of blurred pictures.....time with a tripod & messing with my ISO & white balance settings......& trying to just get a feel for the type of photos I am looking for....well, it's been fun. Here are some of my practice shots of late......obviously mostly of the kids............

If anyone has any other pointers or good resources, please send them my way!!!




I love the curl hanging down....


Same picture as above but with a blue tint....




1 comment:

Renee said...

As I have said before, I would love for you to spend a bit of time and give me a crash course and explain what you are learning on using our camera. I learn from hands on more than reading a book. Anyway, love these pics. Isn't it precious to see that tooth creeping down Mallory's gum? I mean, if you think about it, she will have that adult tooth in the future for all of her future. It will look HUGE in her mouth at her age now, but for right now...It's just tiny looking as it makes its way. Kind of crazy, isn't it? At least that is what I think. :)
