What is being said....

"I need dessert for my blood sugar."

Mallory, 7 yrs.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Christmas Season & a New Year....

Ok, so in an earlier post, I mentioned some "bad memories" this past season had for our family.......the traditional Eggs Benedict we have on Christmas morning was WONDERFUL....the first time around......the second time it was coming the other direction!! Christmas afternoon this hideous stomach bug that has been traveling around came home to visit me. Normally I appreciate visitors, I like to sit with them, enjoy some coffee & good conversation, but this particular visitor over-stayed it's welcome as later that night it visited Hatcher & then in the early morning hours, D.J. The only up-side is no gaining of any holiday weight!! But it was a bummer for me missing the prime rib dinner (D.J. said he never wants to eat prime rib again!). Then the bummer of it all spread as my parents & mother-in-law all had the same visitor, getting it at my house, I'm sure......
So, of course it wasn't all bad.....we had a nice time on Christmas Eve with D.J.'s family, going to church in Loveland & then back to the folk's house for wonderful Mexican fare. Christmas morning was fun, opening presents with the kids & my folks coming over to share in the festivities, all of which included a new Wii for our family. (This was a surprise from D.J. to the family & I was SHOCKED!!! I was speechless...I was without speech!)

I was focusing on the stained glass when Hatch's cousin, Jake, told him to "ssshhhh!"

Love this!

Aren't they just beautiful??

Berg & the car that drives on walls & ceilings....seriously...it's cool...

DJ's Seinfeld gift this year....every year there is something.....& this one is true!

And here I am with my beautimus granny readers....thanks, Mom

Mallory & Melissa love their new vests....thanks Ohmi & Papa!

Here is the reindeer Hatcher got for Bergen...it "poos" brown Jelly Bellies.....gross

Because of all the sickness, we decided to ring in the New Year quietly with just our little brood here at home....we didn't want to spread anything that was leftover or catch anything new....we played the new games we had gotten for Christmas & it was fun. Bergen & Mallory even stayed up until midnight to watch the ball drop (even though we had watched it drop at 10 pm our time already). I think Hatcher was disappointed in the "ball dropping"....I just don't think it was what he expected. We hope your families had a nice Christmastime & New Year also......thanks for reading our blog!!!

Bring it on, 2009!!!

1 comment:

Renee said...

I love the eye view through Jenga.

What other Seinfeld gifts have their been in the past?

Beautiful family. Happy 2009!
