Monday, November 17, 2008
America, Land of Opportunity
Until now.
We recently started the kids in the "Greeley Options" group which is a free home school group where they go to class once a week. It has been awesome! One of Bergen's classes is Creative Writing. Today he asked me if he could read me his story that he wrote for tomorrow's class. As he read, he kept going & going & going....I mean, it was LONG!! He also put humor into the story & as he was reading it, he'd say, "here comes a funny part, Mom." Very cool. It's nice to see him growing & stepping out of his comfort zone. He will be reading this in front of his class also....(there is one spelling mistake that he reads correctly & for that,I am thankful since I am letting his teacher correct his work)
Here is what he wrote: (uncorrected by Mom)
America, Land of Opportunity
By Bergen, 8 years old
There is lots of freedom in the United States of America. Like the freedom to choose what jobs we want like a policeman or fireman or spaceman or docter. Another is what education we want like home school or pubic school. Another freedom is press so you can write any story you want.
Another freedom is worship you can worship any time you want just not at bedtime when your parents are asleep.
Another freedom is speech you can say anything you want just not bad words and bad names.
There are other things to like the freedom to be nice or the freedom to make stuff for your brothers and sisters.
But that is only a little bit of the freedom in the United States of America cause I said there was a lot.
(Here he drew a picture of the flag)
So, as a Mom, I am thankful for our freedoms also, but as DJ once told the kids, "Freedom isn't free."
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thank you all for the many prayers & kind thoughts sent our way as Hatcher has been very sick. I am happy to report that Hatch is home!! We were able to bring him home last Wednesday night, but he had to stay on oxygen. Having a tube hooked in his nose that he had to drag behind him, did not make him happy, but he was willing to deal with it if he could be home & get the needle out of his arm. So, home we went. Along with the oxygen, he had three medications to finish, & on this day, he is done with all but one. Friday afternoon, we had an appointment with our family doctor who tested his oxygen levels & thankfully told Hatcher he didn't need the oxygen anymore. You should have seen the size of the grin on Hatch's face!! He didn't want to take his oxygen to the Harvest Festival that night, so this was a relief. He was also taken off of his "yucky breathing medicine" & that news made his grin even bigger!!
As of today, Thursday, he is doing so much better than he was. It was a good thing that we admitted him. He has gotten mad at me & picked on Mallory, so he must be just about back to normal! ha ha We have another appointment next week to check his levels one more time, but he is on his way to 100%. He still gets tired easily, but the doctor said it will take a few weeks for him to totally bounce back. After getting hit with all three things, his little body needs a break!!
Here are some pictures I took while he was in the hospital....yes, I took my camera with me from day was very hard to watch my little guy be so sick & feel helpless, but I thank the Lord that we have turned the corner now & I'm almost all caught up here at the house....almost.
Here is Hatch surrounded by his zoo of animals.....imagine puppet shows by Mom with these things....the storyline gets very interesting!
His little arm with his IV.....he was such a trooper.
Hatch took a walk around the wing.....& visited with the fish.....
Hatch LOVES the new "Cars" slippers Ohmi Jake brought him....we would do exercises & bend over & touch all of Lightening McQueen's wheals (Hey, whatever works, right?)
Here are Hatch & I hanging out....he was not happy when I would leave.....
HOME!!!! I asked Hatch how happy he was to be home & he held out his hands & said, "This much!"
A much needed hug from Mom as we were preparing to go home...he was not happy we had to take his oxygen with us......
His special ride out of the hospital....
Playing with one of the many little toys Ohmi LeeLou brought him to keep him busy......with 3-D glasses on to boot!!
One of his rare smiles while at the hospital....because we were going HOME!!!
Thank you all for your prayers, notes, meals & hospital visits! When life gets overwhelming & complicated, it's nice to know how blessed we are with friends & family who look out for us!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Awesome God
I had to stop & smile. Here I am getting worked up over our next leader and Hatch is worshiping to God the Father without a care in the world. He had it right. I had it wrong. Forgive me Father.
No matter who was to be elected, God is on the throne and He reigns!
That is not to say we don't have a responsibility to be involved and vote, we just have to keep it in perspective and remember who is ruling over the universe and to who, eventually, every knee will bow, Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
It is so comforting that no matter the changes in my life, the God of Moses is still in control and will be for generations to come. Awesome God indeed!
Thanks Hatch. I am humbled every time I learn something from you.